Friday, May 23, 2014

"There aren't answers to all the questions"

Today was our last day in the community. In the classroom my students were learning vowels, and number sequences. Segundo always has them do some type of art with the lesson, which I think is very valuable. It encourages creativity, is a different style of learning, and allows Segundo some freedom to work with his other class while the students work with the craft.

Diana, no surprise, was a superstar again and finished her two projects first, so she helped me work with the other students. I asked Luis if he knew we were leaving and he said that Segundo had talked to the class at the beginning of the week. Luis said that he was sad but understood we had to go back. He said that it was nice to have "Two dads" in the classroom (referring to Andrew and I). Some people on the trip don't think the work we are doing is service, but this is a primary example of service. Although only for a short while, Andrew and I were able to make an impact on Luis's life.

(Luis on our last day)

(Just a "little guy")

(My second graders)

After class we distributed Ohio State swag to the students. They loved their new folders, pens and dry erase boards. When the mothers in the community found out we gave the students gifts, they immediately came to the school and started preparing a send off lunch for us. They made us delicious corn tortillas, with drinks and other snacks. The PTA president gave a farewell speech and thanked us for spending time with their children.

(Mothers of the community)

(After class fun)

Before lunch the students had soccer games and we had a faculty vs. OSU student soccer game. Although we lost pretty hardcore 12-2, it was fun to be united one last time.

(OSU huddle)

As I reflect on my experience in the community, I am not sure I have any answers to the questions that I first asked about the partnership, the community, the culture, and my role in all of this. It has been a fulfilling and rewarding experience. I was challenged in new ways, grew personally, and developed further as student affairs professional. I've learned that there aren't answers to all the questions --- you just need to ask deeper questions. I am so grateful for these relationships and shared experiences.

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