Sunday, May 11, 2014

"Flip the Script"

This weekend has been relaxing and I have had a lot of time to reflect on my experience thus far. Saturday was a free day. A few of us decided to go to hot springs and a spa. This was a much needed retreat. We paid $50 and had unlimited access to different hot springs, two types of volcanic mud baths, underground volcanic pools, saunas, and a half hour massage.

(Map of Piedra de Agua)

(Me and my roommates Mary and Torrie about to get our Spa on)

The mud baths were a lot of fun! We all had a great time painting warrior paint on each other. The indoor volcanic pools were so great. Definitely a "romantic retreat" for all of us. My fingers are still red from the rustic colored mud. Cheetos fingers for days. We had a delicious lunch at the spa as well. It was my first time getting a massage and it was kind of awkward at first but definitely worth it. In the words of one of my friends on the trip, Sam- "Oh yeah no worries, she stayed above the 'equator' when she gave me the massage" All the lawlz. Veronica had hands of a goddess.

(Grey and Red Mud Baths)

(Purification boxes - yeah I don't know)

(Mud wrestling, lehh go)

Although this was one of our touristy days, it was much needed. I was able to decompress and reflect on the last week. It was also great bonding time with some of the group members.

(Warrior status)

At night we had a group meeting with the graduate students. This was a time where we all reflected and discussed our feelings over the last week. Trust me, it was ALL the feels. Many of the group members were discussing how they were already preparing for when we left the students. Jen proposed that we flip the script, and we need to think both ways. The students and professors are leaving us in two weeks. This has already been a life changing trip and it has only been 7 days. It has been making me truly challenge my professional values. I would love to implement these types of programs for students at an institution. I have also never thought of teaching English internationally. Being in a first grade classroom has been challenging but it is making me reconsider how I can give back to others. I think I could make a greater impact in the world but implementing this type of relationship building, partner development and cultural engagement.

One of the phrases that Jen spoke about yesterday dealt with our personal preparation. In the Ecuadorian and Andean cultures, white men, with blue eyes are seen as a source of evil. I prepared myself for this lack of cultural involvement but not some of the other issues I am wrestling with.

Jen said "I prepared us for them but did I prepare us for us?" This is a deeply reflective statement. I'm not sure I was completely prepared for all of the issues that would come up. We have been processing as a group and it has been a bonding experience and also an opportunity for personal growth.

One things that I have been thinking about is, what happens when we leave? What kind of impact will we make on the kids and faculty? Is this a positive experience or one that is just going to further the issues around access education? I am hopeful. I think that I can tell that we are making a positive difference with these students by looking into their eyes. I may not be able to communicate perfectly with the children, but I can tell that they are deeply appreciative. There is magic in every aspect of this community. I think that this quote perfectly aligns with my feelings. We need to flip the script.

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes, the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in the magic will never find it"  - Roald Dahl.

(Luis and I)

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